I tried my hardest. I don't know what else to do.Sweet lime? Yes, please. I'll have one. That sounds good.What's wrong with you? Let me think about that. I'll tell you the next time I see you.We'll stop feeling sorry for ourselves. It's not very attractive.He says the train's lost. How can a train be lost, it's on rails.Fuck the itinerary.Let's go get a drink and smoke a cigarette.What happened to your face?You want to read a short story I wrote in France? How long is it?Did I raise us? Kind of.I'm going to have the pudding. Jack, you want to try the cake? And Peter? What looks good to you? The cookies? He's going to order for himself. The cookies.Let's update me.A prescription. I almost died.We haven't located us yet.I love you, too, but I'm going to mace you in the face!Why are your eyes all red? Why is your head so bald? Because I have alopecia.Thanks for using me.so long, Sweet Lime!Wouldn't it sound great if you could hear a train going by off in the distance right now? Not really. It's probably be annoying.We're invited to the funeral.I love the way this country smells. I'll never forget it. It's kind of spicy.I guess I've still got some more healing to do.Anyway, it's definitely going to add a lot of character to you.You're talking to her.Pretend I'm a lawyer, and you're paying mr $250 an hour.Yes, the past happened -- but it's over, isn't it? Not for us.She's gone.I tried my hardest. I don't know what else to do.I wonder if the three of us would've been friends in real life. Not as brothers, but as people.Maybe we could express ourselves more fully if we say it without words.Yes, the past happened. But it's over, isn't it?"Whatever happens in the end," she said, "I don't wanna lose you as my friend."That's my train.Look at these assholes.He says the train's lost.I like how mean you are.He looked into her eyes. "I promise I will never be your friend. No matter what, ever."The characters are all...Stop including me.DId you get maced too?I don't feel good abput myself.All right, let's make an agreement.I want us to be completely open and say yes to everything, even if it's shocking and painful.Wanna smoke a cigarette with me in the bathroom?You don't love me! Yes I do!He says the train's lost. How can a train be lost, it's on rails.No smoking, please.Let's make an agreement.I want us to become brothers again like we used to be, and for us to find ourselves and bond with each other. Can we agree to that?I want us to make this trip a spriritual journey, and for us to seek the unknown and learn about it. Can we agree to that?I want us to be completely open and say yes to everything -- even if it's shocking and painful. Can we agree to that?I had him bring a printer and a laminating machine.He's in a different compartment on another part of the train, but we never see him -- ever.What happened to your face?Anyway, two joggers ran over and dug out all the dirt that was jammed inside my mouth and my nose and my ears.How can a train be lost, it's on rails.What's wrong with you? Let me think about that.The first thing I thought of after I woke up was: I wish Peter and Jack were here.What's that? Some kind of Indian muscle-relaxer. I got it at the pharmacy next to the train station. You don't need a prescription here.What's wrong with you? Let me think about that. I'll tell you the next time I see you.I tried my hardest. I don't know what else to do.